可以看看 :
首先在安装好Oracle的CentOS上安装ArcSDE软件,这些软件挺不好找的。我这里有ArcSDE for linux/Solari/ibm/hpia 系统上的for DB2 informix oracle postgresql几种的安装光盘镜像。如果有人需要可以联系我。
可以我现在没有 For Windows平台的。windows平台下也是一张单独的光盘吧。。Oracle有分32/64位架构的 有10G 11G 版本的
直接安装 ./install
arcSDE安装与环境配置 数据库配置
运行sqlplus sys/oracle的密码 as sysdba @/home/oracle/app/arcsde/tool/oracle/createsdeoracle.sql 来运行这个sql文件
然后回出现许多【success】如果有错误,请检查。下面的是 出现在控制台的log提示
1 Connected to: 2 Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production 3 With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP, Data Mining, 4 Oracle Database Vault and Real Application Testing options 5 6 * CREATESDEORACLE.SQL script * 7 * * 8 * Purpose: * 9 * * 10 * To create the SDE tablespace, the SDE Oracle user * 11 * and grant privileges to the SDE user * 12 * * 13 * NOTES: 1. Before running this script * 14 * Replace the word LOCATION with the pathname for * 15 * the sde.dbf datafile to be created. * 16 * * 17 * 2. If upgrading remove rem from the grants and * 18 * revokes in the upgrade section * 19 * * 20 * 3. Please use the sys user to run this script. * 21 * You will also need the system user password * 22 * * 23 * Example: * 24 * % sqlplus "sys as sydba" @createsdeoracle.sql * 25 * * 26 * * 27 ************************************************************** 28 * Granting of permissions by the SYS user in Oracle, on two packages 29 * to the public role. 30 31 Grant succeeded. 32 33 34 Grant succeeded. 35 36 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 37 * ArcSDE NEW INSTALLATION * 38 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 39 * Connect as system/to create the sde 40 * tablespace and user. 41 Connected. 42 * Create the sde tablespace. 43 * Before you run this script update LOCATION for the desired datafile pathname. 44 45 46 Tablespace created. 47 48 * Create the sde user 49 * The password for the sde user is set to "sde". You may 50 * change this if you wish. 51 52 User created. 53 54 * Granting the required privileges to the sde user. 55 56 Grant succeeded. 57 58 59 Grant succeeded. 60 61 62 Grant succeeded. 63 64 65 Grant succeeded. 66 67 68 Grant succeeded. 69 70 71 Grant succeeded. 72 73 74 Grant succeeded. 75 76 77 Grant succeeded. 78 79 80 Grant succeeded. 81 82 83 Grant succeeded. 84 85 86 Grant succeeded. 87 88 89 Grant succeeded. 90 91 * UNLIMITED TABLESPACE is not required. Grant this privilege 92 * if you do not wish to explicitly manage and grant tablespace quota to SDE user. 93 94 Grant succeeded. 95 96 * ADMINISTER DATABASE TRIGGER can be revoked after install 97 98 Grant succeeded. 99 100 * * * * * * * * * * * 101 * ArcSDE UPGRADE * 102 * * * * * * * * * * * 103 * If upgrading please remove rem from each grant. 104 * Granting the required privileges to the sde user. 105 * After upgrading you may revoke the following privileges 106 * Please remove rem from each revoke. 107 * Revoking the upgrade privileges to the sde user. 108 * Revoking privileges may cause ARCSDE objects to become invalid. 109 * Remove rem and run the following command to recompile ArcSDE objects. 110 Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production 111 With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP, Data Mining, 112 Oracle Database Vault and Real Application Testing options
esri_sde 5151/tcp
esri_sde 5151/tcp
同时还可以根据需要修改$SDEHOME/etc下的其他文件。 dbinit.sde #正如前面提到的,这个文件下的参数会覆盖掉.profile或者.cshrc文件下的参数。设置的方法是set (variablename)=(value) giomgr.defs #这个文件定义了sde服务器如何运行的一些参数,默认的参数在大部分情况下已经够用了。 #如何设置,请参阅ArcSDE Configuration and Tuning Guide for Oracle(安装包里附带的一个pdf文件)。 #在执行了sdesetupora10g命令之后,这个文件里的参数会被读入数据库,生成一个名为server_config的表。 #如果想要在运行了sdesetupora10g命令之后修改参数,请参阅sdeconfig命令。 dbtune.sde #这个文件定义了数据库中表的物理存储参数。同样参阅ArcSDE Configuration and Tuning Guide for Oracle文档。 #运行了sdesetupora10g命令之后,这个文件里的参数会被读入数据库,生成一个名为dbtune的表。 #如果想要在运行了sdesetupora10g之后修改参数,请参阅sdedbtune命令。 #sdeconfig命令和sdedbtune命令都可以在ArcSDE Administration Command Reference(安装包里附带的html和chm文件)中找到详细说明。
sdesetup -o install -d ORACLE11G -p sde
-d 后面的应该是固定的,是10G 就改个数字就行了。-p是刚才的sql文件自动创建的用户sde的密码,默认是sde,除非你修改过了。
[oracle@oracle bin]$ sdesetup -o install -d ORACLE11G -p sde ESRI ArcSDE Server Setup Utility Mon Oct 31 22:23:47 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ^CConnection to sde failed(0) Extended error: ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation Error creating ArcSDE direct connection (-51)
[oracle@oracle bin]$ sdesetup -o install -d ORACLE11G -p sde ESRI ArcSDE Server Setup Utility Mon Oct 31 22:27:16 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Install or update ArcSDE, GDB schema objects: Are you sure? (Y/N): y Checking INSTALL privileges for geodatabase ... Current user has privilege to install geodatabase instance. Checking geodatabase XML datatype support... Underlying RDBMS database instance supports XML data type. Creating ArcSDE schema..... ^C^[[A^[[B^[[D^[[C^[[D^[[C^[[D^[[C^[[DSuccessfully created ArcSDE schema. Installing St_Geometry .... Successfully installed St_Geometry. Creating geodatabase schema..... Successfully created GDB schema. Successfully installed ArcSDE components. Refer SDEHOME\etc\sde_setup.log for more details.
[oracle@oracle bin]$ sdemon -o start -p sde ------------------------------------------------------- ArcSDE 10.0 for Oracle11g Build 685 Fri May 14 12:05:43 2010 ------------------------------------------------------- ST_Geometry Schema Owner: (SDE) Type Release: 1007 Instance initialized for ((sde)) . . . Connected to instance . . . DBMS Connection established... Error (-327), No ArcSDE server license found. Could not start ArcSDE -- Check Network, $SDEHOME disk, DBMS settings and dbinit.sde. [oracle@oracle bin]$
sdesetup -o update_key -d ORACLE11G -l /home/oracle/sde.ecp -u sde -p sde -N
[oracle@oracle bin]$ sdesetup -o update_key -d ORACLE11G -l /home/oracle/sde.ecp Enter DBA password: ESRI ArcSDE Server Setup Utility Mon Oct 31 22:40:36 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Error: Bad login user (-9). Error upgrading authorization key. ##上面的错误,不知道DBA是什么账号。。。用下面的sde就行了 [oracle@oracle bin]$ sdesetup -o update_key -d ORACLE11G -l /home/oracle/sde.ecp -u sde -p sde -N ESRI ArcSDE Server Setup Utility Mon Oct 31 22:41:28 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Successfully updated authorization key. [oracle@oracle bin]$
[oracle@oracle bin]$ sdemon -o start -p sde ------------------------------------------------------- ArcSDE 10.0 for Oracle11g Build 685 Fri May 14 12:05:43 2010 ------------------------------------------------------- ST_Geometry Schema Owner: (SDE) Type Release: 1007 Instance initialized for ((sde)) . . . Connected to instance . . . DBMS Connection established... RDBMS: "Oracle" Instance Name: "esri_sde" IOMGR Process ID (PID): 17343 ArcSDE Instance esri_sde started Mon Oct 31 22:42:47 2011 [oracle@oracle bin]$
#!/bin/sh # #一下环境变量 尽量在 /etc/profile中进行设置。 #SDEHOME=/home/sde/sdeexe91 #ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle export SDE_OWNR=oracle #ORACLE_BASE #ORACLE_SID #LD_LIBRARY_PATH #export PATH=$SDEHOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH && #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$SDEHOME/lib:/usr/lib:/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/lib/stubs && # #
if [ ! -d $SDEHOME ] || [ ! -f $SDEHOME/bin/sdemon ] then echo "ArcSDE startup: cannot start" exit 1 fi # case "$1" in start) #ArcSDE startup echo -n "Starting ArcSDE: " su $SDE_OWNR -c "$SDEHOME/bin/sdemon -o start -p sde" touch /var/lock/sde echo "OK, Started" ;; stop) #ArcSDE shutdown echo -n "Shutdown ArcSDE: " su $SDE_OWNR -c "$SDEHOME/bin/sdemon -o shutdown -p sde" rm -f /var/lock/sde echo "OK, Stopped" ;; restart) $0 stop $0 start ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0
chmod 755 sde.sh
sudo cp sde.sh /etc/init.d/执行下列命令测试: /etc/rc.d/init.d/sde.sh start /etc/rc.d/init.d/sde.sh stop 连接 ln -s /etc/init.d/sde.sh /etc/rc1.d/K61oracle ln -s /etc/init.d/sde.sh /etc/rc3.d/S61oracle 执行下列命令添加到Linux服务中: chkconfig --add sde.sh chkconfig --level 345 sde.sh on chkconfig --list sde.sh 重新启动服务器。就可以了。
7. 卸载
卸载ArcSDE很简单。 首先停止服务: sdemon -o shutdown 然后删除$SDEHOME文件夹: rm -R $SDEHOME 最后删除掉/etc/services里相应的服务项,就可以了。8. 其他
这里稍微提一下升级的事情,也就是打补丁的事情。 ESRI官方网站上到目前提供的是ArcSDE9.2的补丁,那么去下载了,然后参照网站上的说明做,就可以了。 这里需要注意的是,如果升级,那么还需要给sde添加前面提到的权限才可以。(以上三条 参考)
9.连接arcSDE for oracle(arcSDE 的用法 用途 ,如何使用arcSDE)
arcCatalog连接arcSDE数据库 有两种:1 是连arcSDE应用服务器、2是直接连Oracle数据库
1.打开arcCatalog ,输入ip和端口就可以了。
2.打开catalog后,在建立空间数据库连接这里还是输入ip 下面的服务是输入 sde:oracle11g: 。前面两个基本是固定的,后面的
ArcCatalog 直接连sde数据库 原来是这个样子的
还有可以 用 arcObject mapObject ArcView 来连接,具体前两个是根据API SDK进行编程,arcView应该和arcCatalog类似的软件。
下面就是 利用arcCatalog导入数据了!(请参考 arcSDE 轻松入门 ESRI北京培训中心制作)
加载vocerage数据 加载shapefile数据 加载栅格数据 加载表格数据
这就需要先连接arcSDE,然后右击连接,点 import 选择文件数据库 导入就行了。注意那个
最后 附上我的百度 搜藏的文库 专辑